John asked Emily to marry him whilst at the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert. Emily e-mailed me to tell me about the wonderfully romantic moment John proposed:
"John had preceded me in his arrival to the desert and had worked with our camp of about 60 friends to stage the moment that he would ask me and they would all be in attendance. We gathered under the auspices of a group photo shoot at sunset. After the photos were taken everyone circled around and John started to give a speech (not uncommon for him) about friendship and how great it was for everyone to be there. And then he, along with 50 of our friends, dropped to their knees. He asked "Will You Marry Me?!" And the rest of the crowd parroted, "Will You Marry Him?". My jaw hit the ground. Instead of a ring, he took a zip tie with a bead tied to it and zipped it to my finger. Unbeknownst to him, this was a dream ring come true. I'd always fantasized that the engagement ring I would wear would come from the heart, a gumball machine or an improvised form. I couldn't have been more thrilled".
A year after John proposed Emily still wore her bead ring (see photo above) and was rather reluctant to part with it. However she asked me to make a wedding ring for her using her zip tie bead ring as the basis for the design. The chosen design (shown above) incorporates a spinning yellow diamond studded gold bead to remind her of John's wonderfully inventive original engagement ring that meant so much to her.